Intellectual Output 2

Educational material and practice manual to strengthen it
occasional but also systematic “creative recycling”

This INTELLECTUAL PRODUCT (IO2) is a collection of material (and a manual) of a series of activities that make recycling systematic and planned and not just occasional and suggests the creative activity of recycling as supporting the development of self-esteem of adults who, due to prolonged abstinence from work, find it difficult to find again.

IO2 will have an intellectual and practical impact:

1) transnational learning activity covers the need for the sharing of tools / tools of practice (especially project-based) to strengthen systematic planned creative recycling among adults and to streamline the process NEED → WORK → WASTE → NEW OBJECT, which improves their ability to deal with problems to be solved. 2) the materials that will be created will help the OK to stimulate their creativity, while they will also agree with the need for sustainable actions for the environment.


This IO2 is addressed to both TG1 and TG2 (both can benefit from the material that will be created and from the educational activities of LTTA included in this IO2). TG1 – Unemployed adults will stimulate their creativity, improve their problem-solving skills and also use art to boost their self-esteem (all with respect for the environment and doing useful things for it). TG2 – Artists will show unemployed adults through LTTA activities, the satisfaction and self-esteem that comes from creating a work of art and therefore how art can benefit them so much personally as well as professionally. The artists will more or less consciously become the mentors of the adults of TG1. The material that will be created will be useful for as well TG2 to lead to a new approach to recycling: it is not only creativity but also usability.